Sunday 11 September 2011

One week IN!

So we are one week into this new school year and it has been hectic for some, rewarding for others and at times overwhelming for parents and students alike.  One of the guiding principles of each teacher at the onset of the school year is to establish routine in the classroom.  There should be no difference at home.  These are a couple of helpful hints that will help both you stay SANE during your morning routine,and your child stay on target and on task.
1) Make your lunch at night, both for your and your child.  Waking up in the morning getting your kids dressed and dealing with so much chaos in a short amount of time (usually an hour or less)-is a perfect recipe for disaster.  Having lunches made is one less thing to DO in the morning.  As your child gets older, make them part of the lunch making process.  This is a great time to educate them on healthy food choices and gives them control over what they are putting into their bodies.
2) Have your children chose the clothes they want to wear for the next day the night before.  Have the clothes set out for the next day.
3)  Get your child(ren) and yourself working as a unit. Before the onset of the day, make sure expectations are clear as to what each child and yourself are responsible for to make the morning run smooth so you can get your day started right.  An example of this may be:
 -One Parent makes the breakfast
 -Children bring dishes to the sink
 -One parent tidies up the sink area
 - kids get clothes on
The idea of a clear and reliable morning routine is to alleviate the stress of morning chaos, so that all can meet the day with a smile and arrive to school ready for success!

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