Tuesday 21 August 2012

Turning the Lights Back On!

Welcome back! As the first day of school quickly approaches (two weeks today!), Light in the Attic Learning is gearing up for another year of educational enrichment and remedial programs for students JK to grade 12. As part of our continued effort to provide the best educational resources for both parents and students, I’ve decided to focus more on our blog. With posts every Tuesday, on a variety of topics related to education and learning, I hope to enlighten and spark your interest.

If there are any specific topics that interest you, post them in the comment section below. I'll read all your suggestions and do my best to write about many of them.

Also, if you would like to get in contact with me, don’t hesitate to drop by our website, email me and visit our Facebook and Twitter pages.

I can’t wait to begin another year working with all of you and hope to see you guys back here next Tuesday for another blog!

All the best,

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