Tuesday 9 October 2012

Technology Month: The 21st Century Clasroom

While technology through computers and tablets have been great for learning in the household, it’s real benefits should be seen in the classroom. In order to show some cool and useful technology that can be used in the classroom, I’ve complied a short list. These are a few pieces of technology on my wish list for every classroom.

SMART Boards
Imagine having the interactive ability of a tablet in every teacher’s hand. It can be possible with the smart board. The SMART Board allows for teachers to work through problems with the touch screen, surf the internet, and change documents on the fly. Essentially, it takes a traditional chalk or white board and adds the endless possibilities of the internet. While it might be pricey, I think it could really helpful in having the endless resources of the internet in each classroom.

Cloud, Internet Space
Before the introduction of being able to save content over the internet (aka in the “cloud”), every school needed hardware to hold all of the students documents. With the cloud, the TDSB can centralize the space to hold hardware and reduce the need for more expensive, individual hardware space. It will save some money and allow for students to do things like access information at home.

Phone Check Ins to Class
Almost every student has a phone, and most of the time they can be a distraction in the classroom. Luckily with some new technology, such as Top Hat Module, students can use their phones to take attendance in class. This means that the teacher can write down a number on the front board, and the students can text that number when they enter the classroom to take attendance. This will allow teachers to not have to waste time with attendance, and spend more time teaching a lesson. 

These three tools just bridge the surface of what a 21st century classroom can look like. Do you have any technology you would like to see implemented in the classrooms? Write your answer in the comments below!

Also, go check out our Facebook page for cool technology month (#LITAtechmonth) giveaways, such as our Apps contest. It’s going on now, and if you enter, you can win a $20 iTunes gift card!

That’s all for now,

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