Wednesday 19 December 2012

Dealing with the Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy

Hi everyone. After a few weeks off, it’s good to be back to blogs every Tuesday. 

Today’s blog is going to be very different. As you probably already know, we experienced a tragedy on Friday when a gunner broke into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and murdered 26 children and educators in cold blood. 

As an educator and parent, this massacre really hit home. It was an unfathomable situation, and I wish my deepest condolences to the victim’s families. No one should have to deal with what the families are dealing with right now. 

For the rest of us, lets remember the victims, and not the perpetrator. Lets remember educators like Victoria Soto, who hid her students and lied to the gunman so she would be the only one shot. Victoria is a shining example of selflessness and  can truly be called a hero. In fact, all the educators of Sandy Hooks who lost their lives showed their unbreakable dedication as teachers and are all heroes. 

Luckily, my sentiment is echoed with the media during their coverage of the event. They continue to focus their attention on the victims, and have spend minimal air time on the actual killer. I believe this is the right way to handle this situation because the perpetrator does not deserve to have their face and name glorified in the media. Hopefully history will forget the killer, and remember the victims and heroes of the tragedy at Sandy Hooks Elementary.

So what do you think? How should the media handle situations like massacre at Sandy Hooks Elementary? Comment below.

That’s all for now, and tonight hold your family close and tell them you love them, because you just never know what may happen.

All the best,

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